Magnificent 1753 edition of Caesar's Commentaries,
complete with 86 large folio plates (many double page)
including the scarce "bull" plate
a beautiful copy |
"The ablest Commander
of the most warlike People on Earth entertains You with the History of
his own Campaigns. You are informed of the Motives which determined him
in all his Enterprises, of the various Difficulties he had to encounter,
and of the Steps by which in the end he was enabled to surmount all
Opposition. In a Word, Prudence in Counsel, Courage and Intrepidity in
the Field, a calm Presence of Mind in the midst of Dangers, and an
amazing Dexterity in sudden and unforeseen Emergencies, are here
exemplified in the Conduct of a Leader, whom all succeeding Ages have
agreed to regard as the most finished Pattern of military Merit."
-from the dedication by William
Duncan |

"It were doing the
Work an Injury to suppose [the engravings] merely ornamental. For
besides that they serve to illustrate the Antiquities, Habits and
religious Ceremonies of the several Nations mentioned in the
Commentaries; if it be considered, that the far greater number are
Plans of Battles, Sieges, and Incampments... their great Subserviency
towards a due Understanding of the History will abundantly appear. When
the whole is subjected to the Eye in a distinct and accurate Delineation
of every Circumstance, we become in a manner, Spectators of the Action."
-William Duncan |
Julius). Duncan, William. The Commentaries of Caesar translated into
English. To Which is Prefixed a Discourse Concerning the Roman Art of
War. London: Tonson, Draper, and Dodsley, 1753. Folio, modern full
panelled calf gilt in antique style, elaborately gilt-decorated spine,
marbled endpapers. $8500.
edition of the "Duncan Caesar", the most beautiful and celebrated
edition of Caesar’s Commentaries in English, complete with 86
magnificent large folio engravings (on 85 sheets) of maps, plans,
battles, and scenes depicting various soldiers and customs of the world.
Complete with the rare oversized bull engraving. A most impressive
production. Slight offsetting on title from portrait, bull plate with a
few small repaired closed tears, elephant plate with small closed tear
at fold. An outstanding copy with text and plates exceptionally clean.
Scarce in this condition.
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