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Exchange of Christmas Greetings between Winston Churchill and Franklin D. Roosevelt
First printing,
January, 1943

"With a deep and abiding sense of gratitude the Congress of the United States has by a joint resolution asked me to transmit on behalf of the people of the United States to the armed forces and auxiliary services of our Allies on land, on sea and in the air, best wishes and greetings of the season to them and to their families, and a fervent hope and prayer for a speedy and complete victory and a lasting peace...."--Franklin D. Roosevelt

"I have received the stirring message sent by you, Mr. President, at this season from Congress and on behalf of the people of the United States and have arranged for its transmission to the Armed Forces of Great Britain on land and sea and in the air, in all parts of the Empire or in enemy territory....In all theatres of operations men of America and men of Britain have fought side by side under each other's command....Bonds of respect, comprehension and comradeship have been forged which will, I pray, far outlive this war, and be a lasting support in the labours of peace, when, after we have won the victory, we strive to build together a better and a happier world."--Winston S. Churchill

CHURCHILL (Winston. & Roosevelt, Franklin D). Exchange of Christmas greetings between the President of the United States of America and the Prime Minister, Special Army Order (A.O. 216/1942), The War Office, 30th December 1942, pub. HMSO, [January 1943], single sheet, priced, 2 pp., 8vo, preserved in a mylar and paper sheath and tipped into cloth backed boards, 8vo. Woods D(b)57.  $1900.



Literature/Modern Firsts

