“It throws
thirteen colonies out of the royal protection, levels all distinctions,
and makes us independent in spite of our supplications and entreaties...
It may be fortunate that the act of independency should come from the
British Parliament rather than the American Congress.”
Adams on the American Prohibitory Act
as to the king, we had been bound to him by allegiance, but that this
bond was now dissolved by his assent to the late Act of Parliament by
which he declares us out of his protection.”
“Proceedings from the Second Continental
Congress” (referring to the American Prohibitory Act)
Prohibitory Act] London: Charles Eyre and William Strahan, Printers to
the King’s Most Excellent Majesty, 1776. 16 Anno Regni Georgii III,
cap 5. Complete volume. Volume also contains two additional acts
relevant to the American Revolution, “An Act punishing Mutiny and
Desertion” and “An Act to enable His Majesty…to call out and
assemble militia in all cases of rebellion.” Full contemporary calf,
red leather spine label, bookplate of Rt. Honourable Earl of Portsmouth.
A few stray scrapes to binding, light occasional wear. Overall very
attractive in contemporary binding. $12,500.
printing. The American Prohibitory Act of 1776 prohibited the American
colonies from “all manner of trade and commerce” and declared that
any ships found trading “shall be forfeited to his Majesty, as if the
same were the ships and effects of open enemies.” This fateful Act
declared all Americans to be outlaws beyond the king’s protection even
while conservative American leaders were working with their British
counterparts to craft a settlement to present to the King and Parliament
that would end the fighting between colonial and royal forces, protect
the colonists from unconstitutional parliamentary legislation while at
the same time stopping short of a declaration of independence.
American Prohibitory Act ended any chance for reconciliation. The
following excerpt illustrates the importance of this act to American
history. The excerpt is from a letter written in early 1776 by Joseph
Hewes, a North Carolina merchant and, as of December 1775, a prominent
opponent of independence: “The Act of Parliament prohibiting all trade
and commerce between Great Britain and the colonies has been lately
brought here by a Mr. Temple from London... I fear it will make the
breach between the two countries so wide as never more to be
reconciled... I see no prospect of reconciliation. Nothing is left now
but to fight it out” (letter to Samuel Johnston, dated March 20, 1776,
reprinted in English Historical Documents, volume IX, pp 863.) While it
was Thomas Paine’s Common Sense that proved crucial in mobilizing
public opinion in favor of independence, no document played a more
decisive role in the debate over independence at the Second Continental
Congress than the American Prohibitory Act.