listed alphabetically:
pivotal moment in the fight for freedom
REVOLUTION] London: Charles Eyre and William Strahan, Printers to
the King’s Most Excellent Majesty, 1776. 16 Anno Regni Georgii III,
cap 5. Complete volume. Full contemporary calf, red leather spine
label, bookplate of Rt. Honourable Earl of Portsmouth. No document
played a more decisive role in the debate over independence at the
Second Continental Congress than the American Prohibitory Act.

Ben-Gurion on the
security of Israel
BEN-GURION, David. Typed letter, in
Hebrew, signed "D. Ben-Gurion" as Minister of Defense on State of
Israel letterhead, one page, 6" x 8", August 26, 1955. "But we are
not powerless, not in the military sense, and certainly not in the
moral and political sense. I, however, am calm and certain that,
when it comes to the test, the Israel Defense Forces will be able to
defend our peace and our sovereignty..." A fine letter with
excellent content.

Ben-Gurion and Kaplan on
the Hebrew Labor Movement
BEN-GURION, David; KAPLAN, Eliezer.
Typed letter, in Hebrew, signed by David Ben-Gurion and Eliezer
Kaplan. One page, 9.5" x 11.5", Tel Aviv, December 30, 1929, written
to "Dr. A[rthur] Ruppin", a sociologist, Zionist thinker, and one of
the founders of Tel Aviv. "In these serious times for our endeavors,
we are carrying out the unification of the forces of the Hebrew
labor movement in Aretz [Eretz, Israel]. We are sure that the day of
unification-will also be a great day for you, dear Dr. Ruppin..." An
early letter with good content uniting three (Ben-Gurion, Kaplan,
Ruppin) important figures in the foundation of Israel. |

"the first comprehensive
celebration of the entire continental nation"
BRYANT, William Cullen, ed.
Picturesque America.
New York: D. Appleton, (1872-74). Two volumes.
Thick folio, original publisher’s deluxe full blind-tooled morocco
gilt. FIRST BOOK EDITION, in deluxe publisher’s full morocco
binding, of the most famous and influential early pictorial
representation of the United States. Beautifully illustrated with over
900 wood engravings and fifty steel engravings. Exceptionally fine
copies, scarce in this condition.

a beautiful copy in
original cloth
Richard F. The Land of Midian (Revisited). London: Kegan Paul,
1879. Octavo, original ochre cloth. First edition of Burton's second
expedition through Midian (northwest Arabia). Although Burton failed
to unearth the vast amounts of gold he believed were in the region,
the expedition, sponsored by the Egyptian Khedive Ismail I, was a
major geographical and archaeological success.

the magnificent "Duncan
a beautiful copy
Julius). Duncan, William. The Commentaries of Caesar translated into
English. London: Tonson, Draper, and Dodsley, 1753. Folio, modern full
panelled calf gilt in antique style, elaborately gilt-decorated spine,
marbled endpapers. First
edition of the "Duncan Caesar", the most beautiful and celebrated
edition of Caesar’s Commentaries in English, complete with 86
magnificent large folio engravings (on 85 sheets) of maps, plans,
battles, and scenes depicting various soldiers and customs of the

the tomb of King Tut
GEORGE. Letters and Notes on the
Manners, Customs, and Conditions of the North American Indians.
London: by the author, 1841. Two volumes. Octavo, original cloth
with paper labels. FIRST EDITION, FIRST ISSUE of Catlin's monumental
work on the North American Indians. With two maps (one folding), one
chart, and over 300 illustrations. |

the tomb of King Tut
Howard. The Tomb of Tut-Ankh-Amen discovered by the late Earl of
Carnarvon and Howard Carter.London: Cassell & Company,
1923-27-33. Thick octavo, original brown cloth. Three volumes. First
editions of all three volumes of Carter's description of one the
greatest archaeological finds of all time: the discovery of the tomb
of Tutankhamen. |

with over 200 woodcuts
of the saints
Petrus De. Catalogus sanctorum et gestorum eorum. Lyons: J.
Sacon, December 9, 1514. THE CELEBRATED 1514 FIRST SACON [SACCON]
EDITION, illustrated with over 200 woodcuts, of one of the three
great early lives of the saints (along with the Golden Legend,
and the Lives of the Holy Fathers). |

Churchill's masterpiece
Winston S. The Second World War, London: Cassell & Co.,
Ltd., (1948-54). Octavo, modern three-quarter red morocco,
raised bands, gilt-decorated spines with lion devices. Six volumes.
First editions of Churchill's most important work, handsomely bound.
Fine condition.

in full morocco bindings
Winston S. The Second World War, London: Cassell & Co.,
Ltd., (1948-54). Octavo, modern full red morocco,
raised bands, gilt-decorated spines with lion devices. Six volumes.
First editions of Churchill's most important work, handsomely bound.
Fine condition.

Winston. CHURCHILL, Winston S. The People’s Rights. London: Hodder & Stoughton (1910). Octavo, original yellow wrappers.
First edition, first state (wrappers issue) of Churchill’s early collection of political speeches. An early Churchill rarity and a notoriously fragile item.

"Never in the
field of human conflict was so much owed by so many to so few" (PMM
CHURCHILL, Winston S. A Speech by the Prime Minister in the
House of Commons. August 20, 1940. [London]: [Baynard Press], 1940.
Octavo, original printed wrappers, housed in half-morocco clamshell

CHURCHILL, Winston S. War Speeches: Into Battle; The Unrelenting Struggle; The End of the Beginning; Onwards to Victory; The Dawn of Liberation; Victory; Secret Session Speeches. London: Cassell and Company, Ltd., (1941-46). Modern full
red morocco, gilt-decorated spines with lion devices, gilt-ruled boards, marbled endpapers, top edges gilt. Seven volumes.
First editions,
magnificently bound.

WAR]. [Robert E. Lee]. An Act to provide the appointment of a
General in Chief of the Armies of the Confederate States. General
Orders No. 3; Richmond, February 6, 1865. Official broadside
Confederate printing with seal on top left corner appointing Robert E.
Lee "General in Chief" of the Confederate forces. A highly
important piece of Confederate legislation. Extremely scarce.

Signed, an essay titled Music as an Aspect of the Human Spirit,
written by the composer for Columbia University's bicentennial
celebration. Signed on the last page. 11 1/4 pages, twelve 4to
sheets. [Ossining?], circa 1954.

JEFFERSON. Autograph Letter Signed, to Reverend J. T. Freeman.
Two pages, folded 8vo sheet with integral blank. Davis writes to
Reverend Freeman thanking him for a proposed endowment to support
the former President of the Confederacy. The letter provides a
poignant glimpse of the fallen leader's post-war plight. Two pages,
folded 8vo sheet with integral blank. Memphis, 25 November 1869.

CASSIUS. [Greek Title]. Romanarum Historiarum libri XXIII, a
XXXVI ad LVIII usque. Paris: Robert Estienne, 1548. Folio, early
calf boards, recently rebacked. First edition, the editio Princeps,
of Dio Cassius's important Roman history. Scarce. |

edition, signed twice by Dwight Eisenhower
Dwight D. Mandate for Change, 1953-56. Garden City, NY:
Doubleday, 1963. Illustrated. First edition, one of 1434 signed
copies; this copy additionally inscribed by
Eisenhower (...with best wishes from Dwight D. Eisenhower).
A fine copy of Eisenhower's fascinating memoir of his first term in
office. |

of the earliest, the clearest, and most absolute theoretical
expositions of socialist and anarchist doctrine" (Printing and
the Mind of Man, 234)
William. An Enquiry concerning Political Justice and its
Influence on General Virtue and Happiness. London: G.G.J. and J.
Robinson, 1793. Quarto, early three-quarters vellum over marbled
boards. Two volumes. First edition of one of the most important
political tracts of the 18th century.

signed by Ulysses S.
Ulysses S. Vellum Document Signed. Washington, 1873.
Partly-printed vellum document signed, “U.S. Grant,” as president.
Military commission appointing H. Schuyler Ross a First Assistant
Engineer in the Navy. Countersigned by George M. Robeson as
Secretary of the Navy. Approximately 19 1/2x16 inches.

publisher's deluxe binding
Ulysses S. Personal Memoirs of U.S. Grant. New York: Charles L.
DELUXE MOROCCO of Grant's important and fascinating memoirs,
illustrated throughout with numerous steel engravings, facsimiles,
and over forty maps. A superb set.

original cloth,
unrestored, with the large folding map
Josiah. Commerce of the Prairies: Or the Journal of a Santa Fe
Trader, During Eight Expeditions across the Great Western
Prairies... New York, 1844. Octavo, original gilt-stamped brown
cloth. Two volumes. First edition, first issue (with only New York
in imprint). One of the most valuable and comprehensive sources for
understanding pioneer life in the Great Plains and Southwest.

Philip Jones. Vietnam
New York
: Collier Books, 1971. First edition, signed and inscribed
by Griffiths. Vietnam Inc. played a crucial role in
turning public opinion against the war and is one of the classic
works of photo-journalism. Illustrated with reproductions of
's vivid photographs of the war in
. Hasselblad 274. Spine creased, head lightly foxed, generally
an excellent copy. Rare signed.

the most widely-used
infantry manual of the Civil War
William. Rifle and Light Infantry Tactics. Memphis: Hutton &
Freligh, 1861. 2 vols in 1, as issued. Octavo, original cloth back
boards, original label on front cover, with 58 lithographs (complete).
First revised edition (1861) of the most widely used infantry manual
of the Civil War. Confederate soldier Isaac Howard's copy.

Pulitzer-prize winning Profiles in Courage
John. F. Profiles in Courage. New York: Harper &
Brothers, 1955. First
edition of Kennedy's third and finest book,
for which he won the Pulitzer prize for biography in 1957.
"Today the challenge of political courage looms larger than
ever before." A fine copy.

"One of the few 20th-century works in English to make epical figures out of contemporaries." —
T.E. Seven Pillars of Wisdom (The). London: Jonathan Cape,
1935. Quarto, original cloth, original dustjacket, 54 black
& white illustrations; 4 folding maps. First trade edition of
Lawrence's remarkable memoirs of the Arab Revolt.

John. Works of John Locke. London, 1727. Folio, contemporary
full speckled calf re-backed with original spines laid down, volume
three with new leather label. Three volumes. Third edition of
Locke's collected works. |

volume documenting the scientific advances of early America, in
original boards
MACKAY, Charles. Memoirs of Extraordinary Popular Delusions.
London: Richard Bentley, Publisher in Ordinary to Her Majesty, 1841.
Octavo, late nineteenth/early twentieth-century three quarter
morocco over marbled boards, raised bands, marbled endpapers. Three
volumes. RARE FIRST EDITION of Charles MacKay's classic study of
mass behavior. Generally considered the most important book on
market psychology, its vast influence extends to such diverse
disciplines as stock market analysis and religious studies. |

volume documenting the scientific advances of early America, in
original boards
Academy of Arts and Sciences]. Memoirs of the American Academy
of Arts and Sciences. Volume I, parts I-III. Boston: Adams and
Nourse, 1785. Quarto, original publisher's drab boards and paper
spine. First edition of the inaugural volume of the Memoirs
one of the United States's most important and influential
intellectual societies.

remains the major source for photographs of the Civil War"
(Allan Nevins)
Francis Trevelyan. The Photographic History of the Civil War.
New York: The Review of Reviews, 1911. Quarto, original blue cloth
gilt. Ten volumes. First editions of all ten volumes of Miller’s
famous photo-documentary of the Civil War. The Mathew
Brady photographs represent the first instance of a comprehensive
photo-documentation of a war.

"The United
States a lasting tribute to the principles he
advocated" -Printing and the Mind of Man (197)
Charles Secondat, baron de. The Spirit of Laws... Translated
from the French... London: J. Nourse and P. Vaillant, 1750. Fine
copy of the first edition in English of one of the central works in
western political thought. In contemporary speckled calf. |

First complete edition in English of Plato's
PLATO. The Works of Plato. London,1804.
Quarto, contemporary marbled boards sympathetically rebacked and
PLATO’S WORKS; the enormously influential Thomas Taylor translation.

Ayn. Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal. New York: New American
Library, 1966. Signed
limited edition, #68 of 700 copies, signed by Rand on the limitation
page. With additional articles by Nathaniel Branden, Alan
Greenspan, and Robert Hessen. Fine copy. |

signed by Ayn
Ayn. For the New
Intellectual: The Philosophy of Ayn Rand. First edition, first
printing, signed by Rand on the half-title. Rand’s most concise
explanation of her philosophy, collecting the main
philosophical passages of her major novels, and adding a lengthy new
essay (“For the New Intellectual”) in which she contextualizes
and crystallizes her beliefs for her readers. Book fine, dust jacket
very good with small closed tear to front wrapper.

Theodore. Outdoor Pastimes of an American Hunter.
New York
: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1905.
First edition, illustrated with frontispiece portrait and 48
photographic plates, of
's interesting collection of anecdotes about his hunting
experiences. Contains evocative descriptions of the American
countryside and well as exciting and informative details about the thrill of the chase.

Carl. Abraham Lincoln: The War Years. Volumes I-IV. New
York:Harcourt, Brace, 1939. First trade edition of Sandburg’s
monumental study of Lincoln, signed and inscribed by Sandburg on the
title page of volume one in the year of publication. Sandburg won
the Pulitzer Prize for this much-celebrated work.

Shackleton's heroic expedition
SHACKLETON, Ernest H. The Heart of the Antarctic. London , William
Heinemann, 1909. Octavo, original decorated blue cloth, top edges gilt.
Two volumes. FIRST EDITION, trade issue, of Shackleton's account one of
the most celebrated Antarctic expeditions, complete with 2 frontispieces
and 12 color plates, 194 plates, diagrams on letterpress, 3 maps and 2
panoramas (on one sheet) in pocket at end of vol.II. |

foundation of scientific
management, PMM 403
TAYLOR, Frederick Winslow. The Principles of Scientific Management. New York and
London: Harper & Brothers, 1911. Octavo, original cloth. First edition,
scarce private first printing, "for confidential circulation among the
members of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers with the
compliments of the author" of Taylor’s masterpiece that transformed
methods of factory production. |

essential Christian text
TERTULLIANUS, Quintus Septimus Florens. Apologeticus Adversus
Gentes. Venice: Bernardinus Benalius, [not after 1494]. Folio, early
vellum. First edition, the editio princeps, of Tertullian's
masterpiece, one of the key texts of the early Christian Church. |

signed by Harry Truman
Harry S. Photograph, Signed by Truman as President. Silver print
of President Truman and his daughter Margaret at the 1950 Army-Navy football game, SIGNED BY
TRUMAN in the image (on the bottom left, beneath his picture). With
a letter from Truman's secretary thanking Harry F. McGoniagal of
Philadelphia's Evening Bulletin for taking the photograph.
[1952]. Approximately 11x14 inches; signature slightly faded; matted
and framed. |
